A Member of the European Parliament (abbr. MEP) is the living proof that eurocratsThe term Eurocrat (from the combination of "European" and "bureaucrat") broadly indicates any official working for the European Union; it may have both a negative and a positive connotation, depending on who is speaking. In the EU-Bubble, for example, becoming a eurocrat means reaching a superior state of being, comparable... are elected by the people, as in every well-functioning democracy. They change every five years, which is more or less the time they need to get a basic idea of how the European Union works.
They have a symbiotic, and sometimes parasitical, relation with their assistants (see APAAccredited parliamentary assistants (abbr. APA) are chosen by a Member or a group of Members of the European Parliament to take care of the dirty work in their legislative activities. APAs' prestige depends on the Parliamentarian they are working for. As such, it is in the APA's interest to make...), in fact they usually delegate the most demeaning activities to them: writing amendments to legislative acts, running their social media accounts, or picking up furniture at IKEA (true story).