
I’ve got you under my Schinas – A conversation on the European Way of Life

Interviewing Vice-President Margaritis Schinas, the Midday Matador, the Father-of-us-all DG COMMers, the EU’s favorite son… I didn’t think I could be up to the challenge, he is too good to let anything controversial slip. Nevertheless, after years of online interactions and memes, I gathered up my courage, contacted his communication advisor Vangelis Demiris and set up a meeting.

DG Fabio Mauri and Vice-President (VP) Margaritis Schinas, Commissioner for Promoting our European Way of Life
EU narrative interview

EUmanitarian Aid – An Interview with Commissioner Lenarčič

It is with a certain apprehension that I follow the social media account of Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management: I know that every time he tweets chances are there’s been a catastrophe somewhere in the world.

EU narrative

EUROPOLITAN, the Sober Fashion Magazine

In this page we collect all the issues of EUROPOLITAN, the EU Bubble’s fictional fashion magazine which is published every year on Valentine’s Day. Special thanks to LM, AH, MT, RAS and RJ for helping the creative process.


In this issue

  • Draghi, Letta and Niinistö, the trio that keeps you awake at night
  • New bumper sticker: Honk If You Love Bureaucracy!
  • 10 yoga positions to be zen about Trump’s statements
EU narrative interview

Quo Va(l)dis? A conversation with EVP Dombrovskis

Since I was a trainee at the Commission I was always intrigued by Valdis Dombrovskis: his institutional smiles, his precise statements, his lulling voice… One day my curiosity took over and I finally reached out to his team, asking for a short interview. They were so kind to accept and, to my surprise, I discovered that the curiosity was mutual, as EVP Dombrovskis also reads DG MEME.

From left to right, DG Fabio Mauri, communication adviser Vanessa Mock and EVP Valdis Dombrovskis
Pablo's Corner

European elections 1979: the first massive EU communication campaign

Turning points in history often go unnoticed; but the European Community did not want this to happen to the first direct EU elections ever held, forty-four years ago.

The elections were set for 1979 (from 7 to 10 June) and the EU institutions had to set up their biggest communication campaign (to date). As many things in the EU, the success was debatable, but it was a first step. The first step to keep moving EU communication forward. Or at least not backward. Standing still is also fine, actually.

Pablo's Corner

The European Defense Community: a case of treaty interruptus

Jean Monnet, the architect of the European Union, linked his political future to the creation of a pan-European military force: before the ‘strategic autonomy’ mantra, there were a proposal, an agreement and a Treaty signed by the ‘inner six’ (27 May 1952). This is the story of the “European army”, a dream that could have been reality.

The first European Army

The planned European Defense Community (EDC) would have entailed a pan-European military: the Treaty of Paris establishing the EDC, signed in May 1952 (yes, there have been a hundred more treaties signed in Paris), established a EU co-force with a shared budget, common arms, centralized military procurement and #EUdefence institutions.

Pablo's Corner

Dinosaurs and humans living together – a (very) special Eurobarometer

2024 will be EU election year and the 50 anniversary of the Eurobarometer. Some sources say it started in 1973, but we will follow the “official line”. To celebrate it, we are sharing with you a bit of EU history: the (possibly) best and first Eurobarometer ever published.

Pablo's Corner

The Schuman Plan as seen by cartoonists in the Fifties

10 cartoons published in the aftermath of the 9 May declaration to celebrate Europe Day.

Pablo's Corner

Jean Monnet in four quotes

Three quotes by him, one about him; a short overview of his personality and vision.

© European Communities. Source: European Commission Audiovisual Service
Pablo's Corner

How the euro was announced in the (first) twelve EU countries

By the end of February 2002 the period of dual circulation – when both national currencies and the euro were living in harmony – came to an end.