EU narrative

The European Council Explained with Pizza

The European Council (informally EUCO) is a collective body that comprises the heads of state or government of the EU member states, along with the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission.

There is a nice group of friends that regularly meet for dinner in the European capital. Today Leo couldn’t attend because of a bad flu that made him lose weight, but the others are having a great time:

EU narrative

Ten things you can say in bed and at a Commissioner’s Hearing

Schedule: commissioner candidate hearings in Parliament | News | European  Parliament

Commissioners-designate, i. e. the Commissioners proposed by the President-elect of the European Commission, must be approved by the European Parliament. That’s why they appear in front of the respective parliamentary committees. Once the team is approved, the European Parliament will confirm the new Commission as a whole during a plenary session.

EU narrative

What is the European Way of Life, anyways?

We’re glad that on 13 November 2019 the European Commission decided to change the portfolio name from “Protecting our European Way of Life” to “Promoting our European Way of Life”

Margaritis Schinas, the Commissioner-designate for “Protecting our European Way of Life”, is not in charge yet but he is already swamped with emails, calls and owls from citizens, national governments and members of the wizarding community, all trying to help him defining what the European Way of Life is.

EU narrative

The 2019 Eurovision/Spitzenkandidaten Debate

Fun facts
#1 All candidates have short hair (no, Violeta Tomič doesn’t count. You didn’t even know she was running anyways)
#2 Commission candidates speak better English than Parliament candidates (sorry, guys, it’s the truth)
#3 None of these candidates will become President of the European Commission

EU narrative movies

Reservoir Jackals (2019)

Serbian-Hungarian border, May 2019

The police filmed a violent settling of accounts between two rival gangs in the small town of Röszke. The conflict arose to determine who had precedence in using anti-migrants feelings to distract public opinion from the failures and illicit behaviors of the gangs’ administration.

Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino announced a new movie inspired by these events, with the working title Reservoir Jackals.


The Termaynal (2019)

The EU-UK Bilateral Air Service Agreement, first installment of the series

When Theresa, a tourist from the fictitious land of Free England, arrives at Zavantem International Airport in Brussels, No-deal Brexit breaks out in her country and she finds herself caught up in international politics, something she was never really interested in.

Because no agreement was stipulated between the European Union and Free England, the Directorate-General of Homeland Security won’t let her enter or exit the European Union. She has to wait until an agreement is stipulated; everything is in the capable hands of Dominic Raab.

Theresa can’t leave the terminal nor buy anything, as she doesn’t have access to the EU Single Market… What good is Brexit for her?