Intramuros (abbr. IM) are the most normal people you can meet in the corridors, as they have never been institutionalized (both meanings apply). They are usually unaware of anything concerning the European Union or the hierarchies but you can still meet them in PluxPlux, short form of Place du Luxembourg/Luxemburgplein, is the institutional afterwork meeting place just outside the European Parliament. On a summer Thursday evening, it is customary to meet there with colleagues, enjoying a good Belgian beer and some ugly, deafening disco music. The hierarchic level of the people taking part....
They do not properly belong to the family of eurocratsThe term Eurocrat (from the combination of "European" and "bureaucrat") broadly indicates any official working for the European Union; it may have both a negative and a positive connotation, depending on who is speaking. In the EU-Bubble, for example, becoming a eurocrat means reaching a superior state of being, comparable..., as their contract is not with the European Union but with some greedy service provider that hires them. They don’t get any of the institution’s perks but they have more stable contracts than interimairesInterimaire are trainees that failed to become Contract Agents and ended up in the institutions' purgatory: they work hard, pay taxes on their salary (the ultimate Eurocrat's shame), and have a weekly renewable contract with some greedy service provider. On top of that they receive permanent staff emails, in which....